This summer has been absolutely crazy for us. Despite the fact that I was gone for half of it, and busy with other things for most of the rest, Max has been really good. So I decided it was time for us to have a date. So today we had an outing full of some of Max's favorite things, and mom all to himself (well, I may have slipped a couple of things I needed to do into it: lame, I know).
Here's how you do it:
First, it is completely necessary to fall asleep in the car minutes after leaving the house because mom completely bores you by stopping by the bank:

Then go to the bookstore and endure mom picking out a book for herself:

And then FINALLY get to play with the train table:

But have to leave earlier than expected because you throw a MAJOR fit. (I'm 99% sure it was a result of napping in the car)Then have a happy meal picnic at the park (that was actually a location mom was scouting, sorry buddy):

And to top it all off, stop at Krispy Kreme for some donuts!

It was a good date.