Today I present to you my other sister, Paige! She's currently serving an 18 month mission for our church in Porto Alegre Brazil. We miss her lots, but are so excited she's having this amazing opportunity! 
name: Sister Paige Valera Hughes
1.What do you “do”?
Right now I´m a missionary for A Igreja de Jesus Cristo Dos Santos Dos Últimos Dias (aka, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints). I´ve been called to serve here in Brasil, teaching people about the Restored gospel of Jesus Christ.
2. Why do you do what you do?
I do what I do, because I know the church is true. I know that my Savior, Jesus Christ lives and loves me. This knowledge compels me to try to be a better person. And to help other people understand the love that their Savior has for them is the most rewarding thing I´ve ever done.
3.Where are you from?
I grew up in Virginia, but my parents are in North Carolina. So really, where my family is, that´s where I´m from.
4. Favorite color?Green
5. Favorite food?Right now, Caqui de chocolate preto. I think that translates into Persimmon of the dark chocolate variety. I´m not sure why it´s called chocolate because it´s a fruit, but it´s so good. so so so so good. I´m not even sure if they have them in the states, and I might cry if they don´t.
6. Favorite shoes?my slippers. They´re furry and green with kitschy teddy bears. But I´m not sure I´ve found anything more comfortable in my life.
7. Favorite place in the whole wide world?
home. But it´s almost a tie with the Rio Grande do Sul.
8. Favorite piece of playground equipment?
9. Your funniest story?hmm, when I first arrived in Brazil, me and my companions were walking down the street and we picked some fruit off of this tree in the street to eat later. My companions called this fruit an abacate, and explained how you prepare it and how delicious it is, etc. Our abacates still needed some time to ripen, and for a week or so I saw these beautiful new brazilian fruits ripening on our table, and I couldn´t wait to try them and experience something new. And I don´t remember how I came to the realization, but one day I realized that these new brazilian fruits on our table, were nothing more than avacados. Still delicious, but not quite the excotic fruit I had imagined.
There. that was the only funny story I could think of.
10. Mac or PC?Mac
11. Manual or automatic?Manual
12. What do you consider your best asset?
maternal instincts
13. Guiltiest pleasure?Disney Channel. But more recently, Brazilian novelas. I can´t even watch right now and I´m already addicted to the 5 minute clips I catch in other people´s houses.
14. Biggest pet peeve?disrespect
15. What do you consider priceless?
family, testimony, knowledge
16. If you could sit next to anyone on an airplane, who would it be?
Alma 23:14. I want to talk with the one amalequita that was converted to the gospel.
17. What would you choose as your last meal?
Bacon spaghetti, or Mommy´s London Broil with Brown rice
18. What era in time do you connect with the most?
40´s? não sei
19. Your motto for life?
Just do what you´re told. Just live the gospel, keep the commandments and you´re good to go.
20. Best advice you can give?
Pray. Prayer fixes everything. That and being obedient. Pray and obey.
If you'd like to participate in my weekly interrogation, email me at jaxharmon [at] gmail [dot] com. I'd love to have you!