Since we really haven't seen anyone in like a month (or more?) due to snow and being busy and traveling and more snow and more being busy, I thought I'd give you a little update...
First off, some big news with Max: he's talking!! Now, he's still behind other kids his age, but he's learning new words every day and communication is occurring so I'm happy.
Because he can now communicate, we've also passed another hurdle: potty training! I'm not sure when you can say they're officially potty trained, but we're at the point that he goes on the potty every time with help, after telling me he has to go. But it's just help to get his pants off and get on the potty itself (I figure we'll cover the standing and aiming when we have dad around to help...). He'll still have an accident every now and then (read: about once a week), but every time it's been because he didn't have his "help" not because he didn't want to go on the potty. I've been so impressed with how well he's done: I seriously thought potty training this kid was going to be a long painful process, but it wasn't.

See those? Those are underpants!
Last weekend Rob had a four day pass since it was a holiday weekend, so Max and I made the long trek down to Georgia to see him... needless to say, we were in heaven and didn't want it to end. We honestly didn't do much except sleep and eat and hang out and run errands. But sadly, it did have to end and I've had a really hard time adjusting back to reality. But after a week, I'm getting back into the swing of things
slowly (but already counting down the days until we see Rob again...)

While down there Max insisted on wearing Rob's sweatshirt. Although it was cute, it was also a little ridiculous so we got Max his own Army sweatshirt (that he loves to death, and I have a feeling it's becasue Rob gave it to him). And yes, Georgia (well, this is technically Alabama here) got snow too, and the next day was warm enough for just sweatshirts.

The great thing about the Army is they have this thing called Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) program thing that provides outlets for their service members (and their families) to keep their morale up! So we stayed at this campground just on the other side of the river from the base (hence we were in Alabama AND another time zone... but at least I knocked Alabama off my list of states to visit, and unexpected but welcome surprise!) and pretty much chilled just like this. And the best thing is, it's a LOT cheaper to stay here than a hotel, and they have kitchens! Plus, is there anything more cozy than a cabin in the snow? I think not.
And I can't forget the last member of our family... little Nicola. Because he didn't cooperate at my last ultrasound I had to have another one a couple of weeks ago. So here's the tiny man, looking more like a baby than the last time.

He definitely has my nose, and Rob's chin and mouth (just like Max). I'm thinking we may have two little boys that you will definitely be able to tell are siblings, what do you think? And Nick makes sure I remember he's there by kicking away all the time. I've sort of forgotten what it was like to not have a constant rumble in my belly.
I suppose I should give a little more of an update on Rob... he's in his 6th week of OCS (out of 12), and doing well. He hasn't lost any weight, but has definitely redistributed it and turned his mass into muscle. I couldn't believe how skinny he was when we saw him (and he looks a lot younger too, despite the grey hair)! He's really enjoying the physical side of his training, and I think the obstacle courses and stuff they have to do look kind of fun myself... (but ONLY if I could go at my own pace without anyone yelling at me and stuff). Last week they even did one that resembled the
Ninja Warrior course... This Friday we also find out what branch Rob gets, which will determine where we go! Rob is pretty confident he's going to get a particular one, so we'll see if he's right. And next week they start their field exercises for the next 3 weeks, so I won't be able to talk to him during the week because they'll be out in the wilderness somewhere. And if you know Rob, he is a mountain man so I know he'll do fine. And then he graduates April 8th!
And I guess everyone's wondering how
I'm doing, and I'm doing ok. I'm holding down the fort here at home, making sure everything that needs attention gets done. It's exhausting, and overwhelming at times (especially as I'm not good at this stuff) but I'm handling it ok (and surprising myself with how much stuff I've done that I never dreamed I could do). And I'm starting to feel really pregnant, which I know is crazy 'cause I still have 3 months to go. But I'm definitely nesting, and have a huge pile of projects I want to do before Nick comes (fingers crossed it'll all get done). I'm also starting to get the hang of this military stuff, at least it's all been a little "de-mystified" so it doesn't scare me anymore. Although I'm getting very scared at the thought of packing up my house:) We just have so. much. stuff. All crammed into a tiny house. I have some major purging ahead of me...
So overall, we're just busy in general but doing well. (oh, and my house is still messy. That's just how we roll)