I have to admit I kind of like the military life. (Good thing, right?) I like the regularity and predictability of our paychecks (I will
really like them once Rob commissions though), the benefits (and there are many!), the atmosphere on base, the people I've met. And I'm really eager to start our nomadic existence. However, it's not all sunshine and daisies, and the thing I'm having the hardest time adjusting to is the fact that I now wear the pants. Especially with Rob gone for so long.
Everything is now in my hands. And for the most part, I've adjusted pretty well (if I do say so myself). I may be tired ALL the time, and feel like my head is going to explode with the amount of stuff that fills it most days, but I'm managing. And doing pretty well considering (I know everyone is worried about us but we're doing fine compared to lots of people out there). But the hardest thing is that I have NO TIME. In addition to all the stuff I've always done, I'm now responsible for all the stuff Rob usually does. And it's tough, 'cause it's all NUMBERS. Those dreaded things. I'm just not gifted in the number arena. I make things pretty, and that's what I'm good at. Anything with numbers and my eyes gloss over. I will admit, part of it is I have dyslexia with numbers (instead of mixing up letters, I mix up numbers), and so my brain has just sort of skips over numbers when I come across them (like a license plate I read last week, in my mind it said KYblume: and I was like kentucky bloom?, then I read it again and realized it said KYblu4me). And unfortunately, this is a number-heavy time of year. And like I said before, I'm actually doing pretty well, but yesterday things just sort of came to a head. So yesterday evening I was a little stressed from the day's events and how long everything took, and I was really really tired but was looking at a few more hours of work before I could go to bed. And at one point I was taking a break for a minute and got on facebook, and wrote this status at 10:22pm as a joke (this pregnant lady may or may not have been having a craving): "if someone would like to leave some chocolate iced krispy kreme doughnuts on my doorstep tonight I would not object. (unless the feral cats got to them first)" And it got a couple of funny comments, and that was that. And when I finished my work I went to bed, but I was still a little stressed out from the day, and I knew I wasn't going to get much sleep because I had to get up early to take my car to the dealer to get the seatbelt checked out (it broke, and I had no idea how much it was going to cost to fix it). And so this morning I got up way too early and was still a little stressed about things, and rushing to get out the door in time for my morning appointment, when I let the cat out. And this was sitting on my stoop:

At first I didn't believe it, and then burst into tears and probably cried for 5 minutes straight 'cause I couldn't believe someone was that sweet. And it totally changed my day around. Suddenly, I wasn't worried about numbers or my car or anything. Instead, I had a doughnut and everything was good.
And I don't have to pay a thing for my seatbelt! Subarus have a lifetime warranty on them. Those doughnuts really did make everything better.