Welcome! The Harmon Squad consists of Rob, Jax, Max, and Nick. We are an Army family currently stationed at Ft. Bliss in El Paso Texas. We are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (aka "Mormons"). We find great pleasure in being hermits; between the four of us we have enough hobbies to keep us occupied for an entire lifetime (at least). We love to go for drives that have no purpose, revel in the outdoors, do things ourselves (we're stubborn. ALL of us.), and to chill as a family.
rob: Field Artillery Officer. Grease monkey extraordinaire. Reader of books. Tinkerer. (no really, he can fix anything) Loves his vehicles like they're a part of the family. Cultural chameleon. Lover of world travel. Already mostly gray. (think Richard Gere) Possessor of incomparable wit.
jax: Household 6. Photographer. Resident creative genius. Loves being a mom to boys. Expert sleeper. Master organizer. Eternal optimist. Lover of foreign cultures. Collector. (NOT hoarder) Wannabe playground designer. Life-long avid reader. Can't sit through an entire movie unless hands are occupied. Shy to the bone.
max: Lives up to his title of "first child." Loves anything associated with boys; nerf guns, legos, superheroes, cars, star wars, sports, video games, fighting, being outside. Also loves chicken nuggets and m&ms. Awesome big brother. Possesses the cutest dimples on the planet.
nick: Our "gentle soul." Junk food connoisseur. TROUBLE. Lives up to his role as "second child." Way too smart for his own good. Button pusher. Future mountain climber. Possesses the prettiest hair ever. Following in his big brother's footsteps.