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21 January 2011

a (slightly blurry) family photo and some random stuff

This is us at Rob's graduation from BOLC B(Artillery Officer training, it stands for Basic Officer Leader Course). Max slept through the whole thing, Nick scared the entire audience when he sounded like he was going to die (he was choking on his spit, no biggie), and I took some crappy pictures (growing out bangs + looking through a viewfinder = crappy focusing). But there was a live Army band playing and everyone looked so spiffy in their ASU's!

We are now in El Paso, TX! And live just down the road from a Super Target, I am in heaven.

BUT, we miss Oklahoma a lot. Especially Ft. Sill. It's our favorite so far.

I'm having fun decorating our new house. AND, we've pretty much unpacked all the boxes. Woo Hoo! I'm just down to a pile of random stuff I'm not sure what to do with in every room.

Oh, and I don't recommend moving around major holidays. Moving is a pain and stressful as it is, but throw something like Christmas into the mix and you have a recipe for disaster.

We had lots of fun in Oklahoma, I'm hoping to showcase it all here soon!

It is warm here. I like it.

Nick is eating solids (I like to put him in the highchair and throw people food on the tray. Keeps him happy which means I'm happy), sitting up, no longer bends at the waist, and doing a "belly scoot." He's also done really well with the whole moving thing, the worst thing is he no longer likes baths.

Max likes to throw frisbees, pretend to ride his bike (he thinks him sitting on it and us pushing is how you're supposed to do it), can play video games better than I can, speaks so much my head hurts, and is an angel in Primary. Oh, and has grown a TON and is SO long and lean. When did he stop being a toddler and turn into a boy?

I can see Mexico from my house.

Thankfully, the bullets don't reach this far.

I finally have my VERY OWN STUDIO WITH A DOOR!!!! I'm hoping that combined with Nick's new-found independence means I can start making things again.

But, I'm still his favorite. Can we say mama's boy?

Rob now has a 2 car garage that is ALL HIS since I don't mind parking in the driveway. He is thrilled!

Dirt is the new grass, did you know that?

And instead of seeing leaves blowing about, we now look out our windows and see tumbleweeds rolling down the street. No joke.

We are loving life in the military, they make sure things are always exciting!

EDIT: Nick was being fussy so I gave him a frosted animal cracker. Now he's happy. Mother-of-the-Year right here.


  1. Yay for another blog post! Glad to hear you guys are doing so well. I can't wait to see more pics of the house. We miss you. I can't believe Nick is eating solid foods! He is growing up so fast.

  2. "i can see mexico from my house" and "dirt is the new grass" - you sound how i sounded when my family moved me from atlanta to tucson, az. i was not a happy camper, so i'm glad you're adjusting better than i did to the southwest. :) go find yourself a really yummy mexican restaurant and you'll never want to leave! :)

    can't wait for shaelyn and max to play this summer. can't wait for you to meet christian (and for me to meet nick, since i'm lame and never met him before you left). and can't wait for some family photo time!!

    let's see some pics of that awesome house of yours, already!!! :)

  3. Bahahahaa, a lot of this made me laugh. Especially after I read a "Mormon women have blogs about how perfect life is" article last night and this is almost one of those posts. What's wrong with life being awesome?
    I'm sure it'll be amazing to have your own space to make things. I'm also sure Rob will be thrilled with his space too. Sounds like you guys are doing great, and I'm sure Super Target is like heaven. I'm in Kernersville, and I feel like I'm 15 miles away from anything.

  4. Hey guys!
    We're so happy for you guys that everything is working out. All you guys look awesome! We enjoyed the picture of all you guys, and your right Max is getting HUGE!!! Nicola is getting big too.
    Alyssa is 17 weeks now! She has felt the baby move twice now! We go in for the next ultrasound to find out the sex of the baby in 10 days!! We're both excited about it (we really want a girl). So we will keep you posted!
    We sure love you guys and I miss you ( I'm sure Alyssa would of missed you too... if she met you... before... )But we're happy for you guys and will keep in touch with you guys. love ya!

    The Rambo's

  5. So good to hear an update, Jackie! Hooray for Max rocking primary. Hooray for dirt. Hooray for your studio!!

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