It just so happened that there was a rodeo during the state fair so we did both. And we had lots of fun!
This was my very first ever state fair. I'd been to other, smaller fairs, but never a state. I'd heard awesome things about them and was totally prepared to try all the fair food and ride some rides... then we got there and saw the prices. $5 to try a piece of chocolate covered bacon? Um, I don't think so. We ended up just getting a funnel cake and lemonade and let Max pick one ride to go on (I know... I'm such a cheapie).
This is what Max chose:

He's got good taste, right? He was sooo cute riding around on that thing (see his cowboy boots?)
Lucky for me, there was plenty of FREE entertainment in the form of ANIMALS! A part of me wants to be a farmer, but I know I could never handle actually doing it, so instead I live vicariously through other people's farms and animals. We had a blast just wandering through the huge buildings checking them out.

(I think he fits right in, what do you think?)

pointing out the poop.

I took this because when I was in school we got all fancy like this for halftime shows and stuff, but in OK the big deal is walking your animal around the pen:)

I discovered I love donkeys. Who knew?

(just showing off our cool stroller. I still can't believe it's mine)

we got to (attempt to) see baby chicks hatching!

I think Max is a farmer at heart too.

checking out the piglets.

Ok, you're gonna think I"m crazy, but this cow was GORGEOUS! She even won a prize!

Max got to pet her!
That evening we met up with Tiffany and Chris and went to the RODEO!!!

It was pretty awesome.
And apparently Oklahoma is the best state to see rodeos in 'cause they know how to do it right.
Coming up another day are my film images...
That is so cool! I have never seen a real rodeo. I can't believe you have never been to the NC state fair. For shame!