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09 September 2007


When I was pregnant, I always envisioned Max to be a mini-me of Rob. So when he looks or acts like Rob, it is completely natural, but when he looks or acts like me I am so surprised. Like, he has my nose and hair color, has my temper, is stubborn like me (why do our children always seem to get our bad traits?), but also like the same kind of food I do and even the same colors. Now, Rob has plenty to claim in Max as well, but he seems to be my child. Who knew?


  1. It is so cute to see you and Max together. I think he definately looks more like you than Rob at this point in his life...but who knows that may change!

  2. Jackie has a temper? I don't think you should tell untruths on your blog, Jackie! We missed you walking today. Hurry up and graduate already!

  3. Shelley- if only you know knew how bad my temper is. Just ask my sisters about it sometime... I think they're still scared of me.

  4. I was just noticing at church this week how much Max looks like you. And I'm with Shelley--you must hide your temper well. I'll try really hard not to mess up our musical number, ok? Just don't break out the temper on me!
