rob and jax joined together June 30th 2004 to form the harmon squad. he brought mad ninja skills and she brought the evil eye. Together they are unstoppable!
squad addition one
september 23rd 2006 max joined up, adding a cannonball head to the mix.
squad addition two
may 21st 2010 nicola and his banshee scream came aboard.
places we've called home
Fredericksburg VA (jax) Sheppard AFB TX (rob) Aviano AFB Italy (rob) Greensboro NC Ft. Benning GA (rob) Ft. Sill OK Ft. Bliss TX
Ft. Sill OK
Ft. Wainwright AK
recent movies we've loved
Jane Eyre: All I can say is if you haven't seen it, go right now! Unlike Jane Austen movies this had a dark, almost creepy side/feel to it that had me riveted. And is just so good I couldn't stop thinking about it for days after seeing it. I want to own it desperately! (Christmas gift anyone?)
Super Mario Brothers: Reminds me of my childhood. Cheesiness and 90's feel goodness abounds.
Captain America: Ok, so we're a little biased towards superheroes in this house. But I love the costumes and Agent Carter's hair/makeup. And that Howard Stark is in it.
current favorite tv shows
Fringe: All time, hands down, favorite show in this house. I love it so much if I had stumbled upon the set while I was in Vancouver I would've been the person screaming "Anna Torv, I love you!!!" It is creepy but the characters suck you in (hello Walter!). If you haven't been watching it though, start at the very beginning. You'll thank me.
Project Runway: I'm always sad when a season ends. This show feeds my seamstress side.
Parenthood: I just love this show. Got hooked in the first season and can't stop watching.
Biggest Loser: This show makes me cry. In a good way. So inspiring. And I love Bob Harper.
Castle: I love Nathan Fillion. I didn't think he could match Firefly, but he proved me wrong.
So happy to see him playing with a soccer ball :)