As moms (especially of toddlers), we all have days where we have to physically separate our children from us so we don't murder them (at least I do). Last week I had a lot going on so Max took the opportunity to make some messes... and then some more this week. So the house was absolutely crazy Tuesday and so was he, and then I get out of the shower to find him on my worktable THROWING everything on it off of it (pins, pens and pencils, erasers, safety pins, thread, you name it) and that was the
last straw. I had to get out of the house and, preferably, get away from
him. So we went to my parent's house and because my sister is done with college for the summer and no one at that house was sick of him, I left him there (he actually didn't want to go home with us on mother's day, he stood with my family to say goodbye and turned around and went back inside). And I was free until the next evening! So I folded all the laundry (we had a mountain of it that took up half our bedroom) then went to bed with the intention of getting up and tackling the rest of the house. Well, things didn't go as planned. I woke up feeling rough (Max had been sniffly) and couldn't drag myself out of bed until 11, and I was forcing myself out so I could get things done. But before I could start cleaning I needed to do a couple things on my computer, which involved some printing. If I'm not printing something nice, I do a fast draft because a. it's faster and b. it uses less ink. However, what I didn't realize was that the tray that catches the paper was pushed in, and my printer is on a shelf above my computer, which means it is right above my head. And when you print with fast draft, the printer shoots that paper out as fast as it can. So it did, and since there was nothing to catch it, it shot straight at my eye. That's right, I got hit in the eye by a stupid piece of paper going pretty fast. And. it. hurt. BAD. I fell out of my chair it hurt so bad. And continued to hurt for the next while. Once the initial pain subsided and I was able to see again, I decided I was still going to get something done. I WAS NOT GOING TO WASTE THIS CHILD-FREE DAY! Well, it ends up that my cornea got scratched when I got hit, and I discovered this because I cleaned and re-arranged the living room ,which involved a lot of dust, which aggravated it. So this is what I ended up looking like:

You have no idea how hard it was to put up that picture. Anyway, so I had to wear a patch after getting my eye flushed to keep it from getting irritated again. Which was great, because the pain went away (it got bad because of that stupid dust), but AWFUL because I was wearing a patch. Now, wearing a patch is not so fun because you look weird (Max actually kept trying to pull it off my face when he got home: I had to tell him "ouch" and "owie" before he finally got that it was like a band-aid so instead of trying to take it off he's point at it and say "ow") but it causes headaches and nausea because it throws your equilibrium off. And man, was I nauseous. BUT, happy day! Today when I woke up I had GINORMOUS eye boogers, but my eye doesn't hurt and I can see! So I'm hoping this means I don't have to wear a patch today. Oh, and I'm going to have to clean the rest of the house with Max's help (read: he goes behind me and makes messes of what I just cleaned up). But at least I had a break from him so I'm ok now. And I am glad that at least I didn't have to deal with him while I couldn't see, I'd just hoped for pain-free get-a-lot-done child-free day.
And Whitney, I hope you appreciate this picture. You are Superwoman to me for wearing these as much as you had to. If I hadn't been in so much pain, there would be no way, no how.
Ahhh Jax! That sounds like the most sucky day EVER!!! Have you ever read that children's book "Alexander and The Horrible, Terrible, Very Bad, No Good Day"...that would suit very nicely for this one! Hope you are doing better this week!
ReplyDeleteThat sounds so painful! I hope it is all better now. So nice that you have family nearby that can help out when needed!
ReplyDeleteMan that sucks! Of all the things that could hit you in the eye!
ReplyDeleteI can't believe that happened to you! On top of everything else that had been happening with Max...then that happens! I'm sorry! That sucks!
ReplyDeleteOh, Jackie. I've only patched for a few minutes at a time because it DRIVES ME CRAZY! Like you, I don't know how Whit does it for days, weeks, months at a time.
ReplyDeleteWhat a crazy fluke of an injury. Glad you're feeling better now.
i'm sorry about your eye! that's stinks but i'm glad it's getting better and i totally understand what you mean when you say you need a break from your child! p.s. i joined the blogging world...thewassinkfamily.blogspot. com
ReplyDelete"you have no idea how hard it was to post this picture" hahahaha! you look miserable. i'm so sorry. but i'm really glad your family is around to take max off your hands every once in a while. even if your day doesn't go as planned. i'm very jealous of that and wish i could leave shaelyn with my mom sometimes... :)
ReplyDeleteget to feeling better soon!
Oh Jax...that's terrible! What a freak accident on a day that needs to be super productive.
ReplyDeleteI really feel your pain.