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Gate City YarnsConveniently, it's right next door to Chakras, so whenever I'd get my hair done I'd stop by here too. I've only been knitting for about a year and a half, but at some point early on in my knitting career I stopped by this place for the first time and was instantly in love.
My first time going I mistakenly thought it was just a knitting store. But I was so wrong. They cover all of the fiber arts, so they have stuff for you if you knit, crochet, spin, weave, etc.
This is Reece, the sweetest dog I've ever met. He likes to hang out with all the fiber.
This place is full of eye-candy. And every time I go I have to restrain myself from buying the entire store (not that I could afford to).
And if you think wool is itchy, you need to go here and just FEEL everything. Oh my goodness, there are some heavenly textures in that place. I will never be able to go back to acrylic yarn.
I mean seriously, how can all those colors not inspire you?
I recently took a spinning wheel class here. It was SO MUCH FUN. It was hard, there's a lot going on while that wheel is spinning, but I'm excited to someday practice and hopefully make my own yarn! (Granted, it probably won't happen until we're retired.)
This is the wheel I used. I have the yarn I spun, hopefully once we're settled in Oklahoma I can prep it and knit a little something out of it.
And here is Tina, one of the owners. The other is a sweet man name Carl. They can answer any question you have, they are walking fiber encyclopedias. You can even bring in a project and get help. Not to mention all the classes offered, and craft nights held. And if you need a particular size or type of needles (or any other tool for a project), they have it (unlike the big box craft stores). So if you do any kind of fiber art, this is the place to go!
I'm seriously going to miss it. You will not believe how much yarn I've bought the past few months since we found out where we're going. I had to make sure I have what I need for the projects I've been planning for awhile......
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